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Beautify your skin regime with this blue lotus flower and marshmallow root hydrosol. Blue lotus flower brings many benefits not only to your beautiful skin but also to your health. A natural aphrodisiac, anxiety reliever and sleep aid, all while bringing the properties of being extremely hydrating and a sebum-regulator. It’s no wonder we have paired it with marshmallow root to ensure your skin is well hydrated while also providing reduced inflammation. To keep your skin fresh and hydrated look no further than transitioning to a product like this one that is free from any PUFAS.

Our hydrosols are crafted using a unique steam distillation method technique which gently extracts the complete benefits of the plants to ensure that the potent properties and cellular structure of the plants remain within. Hydrosols offer a strong and effective treatment to essentials oils which can sometimes be harmful when used directly on the skin.

Hydrosols capture the water-soluble constituents of plants, providing your skin with both these beneficial constituents and essential hydration. When you pair a hydrosol with one of our balms or oils, the oils act as emulsifiers, preventing evaporation from the hydrosol and ensuring that the nutrients from both the balm or oil and the hydrosol penetrate deep into your skin. This combination delivers both moisture and hydration for your skin's health and beauty.

Blue Lotus Hydrosol 100ml

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